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  • Manager£ºJiujun Li
  • Mobile£º+86-13903119840
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Knowledge Description

the application in Japan

 Medical stone is a kind of mineral healing stone for health care.
At present, the research on medical stone have Japan, the United States, Korea, etc. Called "health stone" in Japan, in Korea called "spa healing stone", in Taiwan  known as "longevity stone".
They use medical stone as a mineral water for drinking and bathing, feeding plants. With MaiFan powder for aquatic preservation, refrigerator deodorant, water purification, etc.
Copyright(C) Shijiazhuang glorious garden maifanite Factory                         Admin              E-mail£º Website£º
Hotline£º+86-0311-88708888 Mobile Phone£º+86-13903119840                Postcode£º050041 Address£ºYuhua District In Shijiazhuang No.68 Road side (b plant North)